LFL Sound Collectors shows are unique live stage productions that an L.A. reviewer has called "the Cirque du Soleil of Music!".
Sound Collectors themed programs take the audience literally AROUND THE WORLD, with the top music stars from each culture acting as the tour guides, performing separately and together, creating new cross-cultural (and cross-genre) art works in the process. ANY reviewer (from our Carnegie Hall show) described it as "an unforgettable night of music and unity - LFL is a movement, not [just] a concert!". For more detailed information about the specific artists, production team and themed programs of the Sound Collectors shows, please read below. |
Official Registered Address for USA entity:
c/o Mr. Jerome Lenk, L4L Board of Directors 336 Peoria St, Daly City, CA 94014 USA Tel +1 (415) 948-7634 |
Principal Admin Office, Worldwide:
c/o Listen For Life 22 Malcolm Ave, SE, #408, Minneapolis MN 55414 USA Tel +1 (408) 406-6240 |