Unique Music-Media Content & Products...The Adventure That Is Listen For Life
One of our key projects is the gathering of unique audiovisual content featuring the musicians, music genres and cultures of the world that are under-represented in global media. We are content catalysts. We enable the most inspiring musicians of the world to share their gifts, and together we create unique, award-winning content – “Music for the Eyes” - delivered in any format you can imagine. We’ve already achieved over 300 hours of it, and just like our musicians, we’re ready to share! |
Official Registered Address for USA entity:
c/o Mr. Jerome Lenk, L4L Board of Directors 336 Peoria St, Daly City, CA 94014 USA Tel +1 (415) 948-7634 |
Principal Admin Office, Worldwide:
c/o Listen For Life 22 Malcolm Ave, SE, #408, Minneapolis MN 55414 USA Tel +1 (408) 406-6240 |